Proof of my love of them was captured by the great kids over at Videothing at this show for LA Record at Charlie O's in downtown LA. I come in at about min 1:16 with my longtime loving feelings for Damian, aka Sexual Chocolate, with Jonny Bell looking on. If you have seen Crystal Antlers play, you know how funny it is that I commented on them "taking their top off" as they never, ever play with their shirts on.
But this night in particular @ Que Sera, one of my all time favorite venue/bars ever in the history of the world, it was Grand Elegance making waves, as usual, "keepin it weird," (tm War Tom). Warren was so trashed he literally could not stand straight up. And the band still sounded amazing. I guess playing with your best friends for 11 years can do that. I was there dutifully covering the show for LA Record. You know, what can I do. It's a party.

Full article here.
It's close, but the fans are weirder than the band.